Easter Crossword

  1. 2. Method of execution
  2. 5. Where you put the spoils of the egg hunt
  3. 7. Hidden and found during Easter game
  4. 10. Marks the first day of Lent
  5. 12. What Christ did that warranted the Easter holiday
  6. 13. Commemorates the death of Christ, celebrated at the end of the work week
  7. 14. 40-day Easter pre-game for the Christians
  1. 1. Sweet treat enjoyed by many
  2. 3. He is risen
  3. 4. Commemorates Christ's entry to Jerusalem, celebrated on the Christian Sabbath before Easter
  4. 6. Hides easter eggs, small
  5. 8. Cloud man
  6. 9. Hides easter eggs, big
  7. 11. Holiday