- 2. Jesus died on the ___.
- 3. The city where Jesus was crucified
- 7. We dye or paint these to celebrate Easter
- 8. The season when Easter takes place
- 11. A common Easter flower
- 13. The Romans put a ___ of thorns on Jesus' head.
- 16. Where Jesus was placed after He died
- 18. Jelly ___ are small colorful candies eaten at Easter.
- 20. A baby bird that symbolizes new life
- 21. Jesus rose on the ___ day.
- 22. Jesus died on ___ Friday.
- 1. Jesus ate the Last Supper with the twelve ___.
- 4. We celebrate Jesus' ___ on Easter.
- 5. The day that Easter always falls on
- 6. The Easter ___ brings children their chocolates.
- 9. Holy Week begins on ___ Sunday.
- 10. The date that Easter falls on depends on the ___.
- 12. The period before Easter
- 14. An animal that symbolizes life and fertility
- 15. What children receive their Easter chocolate in
- 17. An animal that represents Jesus' sacrifice
- 19. Jesus celebrated the Last Supper on Holy ___.