Easter Puzzle

  1. 1. No bunny knows Easter better than ____
  2. 3. Easter legume
  3. 5. A da Vinci classic
  4. 6. Peter's assumed last name
  5. 8. A king of egg with no yolk, just whites
  6. 12. Rodger, Peter, Jack
  7. 13. Freckled and blue
  8. 15. Little Bo ____
  9. 17. Begins on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring Equinox
  10. 18. This spring flowering perennial could fall in love with it's own reflection
  1. 2. Louise's signature accessory
  2. 4. 40 days and 40 nights
  3. 6. The type of bunny that doesn't hop
  4. 7. Describes a message, image, or feature hidden in a video game, film, or electronic medium
  5. 9. If Poppies are to Flander's, _____ are to Holland
  6. 10. The Romanovs laid 50 of these
  7. 11. Jesus's Brulus
  8. 14. represents nests and new life
  9. 16. This flower retells the resurrection story with its life cycle