- 3. After _____ days Jesus resurrected from the dead.
- 4. Jesus was sentenced to death by this person.
- 6. Jesus was given a crown of ______.
- 8. Jesus was laid in a ____ after he died.
- 9. Jesus was the son of ___.
- 10. This person suffered and died for our sins.
- 11. Jesus was native to this land.
- 13. Jesus broke this type of bread at Passover.
- 14. This woman was the mother of Jesus.
- 1. Jesus died on a _____.
- 2. Jesus was in the desert for _____ days.
- 5. Jesus was crucified at this place.
- 7. This person betrayed Jesus.
- 8. Jesus had this many apostles.
- 12. This person denied Jesus three times.