
  1. 6. biedronka
  2. 7. These flowers are typically yellow.
  3. 8. koszyk
  4. 9. The shape of eggs.
  5. 11. When I eat a chocolate bunny, I start with an ____________.
  6. 13. owieczka
  7. 14. We put bread and ___________ in the Easter basket.
  8. 15. królik
  9. 16. pszczoła
  10. 19. In Poland, they are called pisanki.
  11. 20. kurczaczek
  12. 24. motyl
  13. 25. We put salt and _________ in the Easter basket.
  14. 28. These flowers are typically red or yellow.
  1. 1. It's two days before Easter Sunday.
  2. 2. We _____________ Easter in March or April.
  3. 3. niedziela wielkanocna
  4. 4. owieczka z cukru
  5. 5. lany poniedziałek
  6. 10. święty tydzień
  7. 12. ciasto
  8. 16. barszcz
  9. 17. jajo
  10. 18. bazie
  11. 21. These flowers are white.
  12. 22. The colour of chicks.
  13. 23. Easter eggs symbolize new ____________.
  14. 26. The Sunday before Easter Sunday.
  15. 27. zmartwychwstanie