Eastern Woodlands and Inuit housing

  1. 1. Up to ___ people could live in a longhouse
  2. 3. When the snow melted the Inuit's would also use _____
  3. 4. Most common Iroquoians house
  4. 6. Another way to spell Igloo
  5. 7. Most conmmon Algonquin house and sometimes for Inuit, dome shaped home
  6. 8. Tree commonly used to construct houses by Algonquins
  7. 10. The Inuit entrance to the Igloo is a ________ that leads to a snowporch and then to the interior
  8. 11. Range of wigwams in a village
  9. 16. Most common inuit house, usually snow and ice made
  10. 17. The Inuit and Algonquins were _________ meaning they moved constantly
  11. 19. True or False (anwser is in crossword (eg. True)) Igloos are permanent housing
  1. 1. Number of longhouses in a village
  2. 2. True or False (answer in crossword (eg. true)) Longhouses are permanent housing
  3. 5. Height of wigwam in feet
  4. 9. The ________ set up and took down the wigwams, Algonquins
  5. 12. Longhouses can be _____ feet long
  6. 13. Longhouses can be ______ feet wide and _____ high
  7. 14. Now the Inuit live in homes like ______
  8. 15. Algonguins lived near ___________________
  9. 18. Wigwam means " house " in the ________ tribe