Vaimoke checker - HARD

  1. 4. Your neckless is from ...
  2. 5. 737 Max engine type. CFM ____
  3. 7. Espoo has no traditional city centre; instead, it has__ city centres
  4. 10. 17'5
  5. 11. You ..... me
  6. 13. The brand of the drink I gave to your father
  7. 14. I have emptied it
  8. 17. My dream job, as a kid (word 2/2)
  9. 19. You are my ...
  10. 22. The number one consumer of coffee in the world (country)
  1. 1. Made a jam out of this (Hungarian)
  2. 2. Highest mountain in Finland
  3. 3. The 'day' we started to talk
  4. 4. While I was there, I went there every morning
  5. 6. My dream job, as a kid (word 1/2)
  6. 8. Name of the restaurant we had our first date
  7. 9. The airport you arrived when you visited me (ICAO code)
  8. 10. My favourite colour
  9. 12. Highly accurate and dependable means of navigating to the runway in IFR conditions.
  10. 15. You got this on our first date
  11. 16. If adulting is a soup, you are a ...?
  12. 18. Once known as Krating Daeng, today called...
  13. 20. You make me the ... man alive
  14. 21. The "Super corporation"