Easy as

  1. 6. another name for the y-term
  2. 7. bisector / divides into 2 congruent parts
  3. 8. exponent any real number
  4. 9. Two expressions are equivalent
  5. 11. x-term
  6. 14. describes the "goodness of fit."
  7. 17. y=mx+b
  8. 18. root/
  9. 21. {(1,3)(2,5)(7,5)}
  10. 22. y-term
  11. 23. of best fit/ line model
  1. 1. / triangle with one angle that's 90
  2. 2. variable/ the range
  3. 3. domain and range switch places
  4. 4. triples / set of 3 positive integers
  5. 5. variables/ the domain
  6. 6. / triangle with one angle more than 90
  7. 10. expression/ Represents a value
  8. 12. / triangle with 3 angles less than 90
  9. 13. / point that divides a segment into 2 = parts
  10. 15. set of ordered pairs
  11. 16. / known midpoint unknown
  12. 17. of equations/ a group of equations
  13. 19. another name for the x-term
  14. 20. equations/ coefficient replaced by variable