Easy Baking Crossword

  1. 3. A unit of heat measurement
  2. 4. A thick paste, usually colored, used to decorate cakes and desserts
  3. 6. A utensil consisting of a shallow oval and a handle used to eat with or stir with
  4. 7. A non-frosted cupcake
  5. 12. To be converted into caramel through heating
  6. 13. A food made of flour, water and yeast
  7. 15. An enclosed compartment used for cooking or heating food
  8. 17. A sweet crystalline substance
  1. 1. A utensil used for whipping eggs or cream
  2. 2. A pastry dish typically containing fruits, vegetables or meats
  3. 3. A food in the usually in the form of a block or paste made from cacao seeds
  4. 5. A substance obtained from pods to flavour or give fragrance to food
  5. 8. Work into dough or paste with the hands
  6. 9. A taste category that is not sweet, spicy or sour
  7. 10. A sweet food usually iced and decorated
  8. 11. The white or pale yellow fatty liquid from milk used to top desserts or eaten by itself
  9. 14. A sweet course eaten after dinner
  10. 16. A chalky shelled object laid by female chickens