- 4. That guy is very ______.
- 5. that pole is very _______.
- 6. That kid was very harsh on you.
- 8. That cat __________ my cat.
- 11. Penguins always _______.
- 13. I was at the bank ready to _____ my money.
- 14. My friends mom gave a ______ dinner at his house.
- 1. The man stole my bike so I am ________ for the bike that was stolen.
- 2. People often led ___________ lives.
- 3. I was very _______ that night.
- 7. That scientist had very ___________ materials.
- 9. I am working on a documentary about a man who was _______.
- 10. The penguins _______ to keep themselves warm.
- 12. i saw a _______ of ants in my garden.