Easy Key Terms Crossword

  1. 2. Removing any fractional value from a float, leaving the whole number value (integer) only.
  2. 3. A value stored in a system which may change.
  3. 6. A data type which can only be true or false.
  4. 7. Values entered into a system.
  5. 9. used to iterate a count-controlled loop.
  6. 11. A whole number with no fractional value.
  7. 14. The grammar of a programming language/pseudocode.
  8. 17. A name given to a variable/constant which concisely describes its purpose in the algorithm
  9. 19. A choice which needs to be made to determine the appropriate path/outcome through a system.
  10. 20. The starting point for the creation of a random number pool.
  11. 22. Information presented to the user in a required format.
  12. 23. Splitting systems into layers of complexity, removing information which is unnecessary to developing a solution.
  13. 24. A generally agreed upon way of writing code/pseudocode.
  1. 1. Connecting multiple strings together to provide a cohesive output.
  2. 4. A fractional value (number with a decimal point)
  3. 5. Reduce a number to a certain number of decimal places, maintaining the closest value to the original.
  4. 8. Numbers generated by processing seemingly random events (e.g. system clock readings).
  5. 10. A single letter, number or symbol.
  6. 11. Code which makes conflicting assumptions or the execution of which will lead to an error.
  7. 12. A finite sequence of 0 or more characters.
  8. 13. A set of instructions which is followed to solve a problem or perform a specific stage of processing.
  9. 15. A value stored in a system which does not change.
  10. 16. Breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable steps in order to make it easier to solve.
  11. 18. Something unexpected which occurs during the running of an algorithm.
  12. 21. An action performed by to some end in an algorithm/program.