Easy One

  1. 1. Pleasant city on French Riviera (4)(Dou)
  2. 5. Part crazy and spellbound (4)(a)
  3. 6. Comedian Billy’s to cry over Saint Al (7)(c)
  4. 8. Ravage peaks, say (5)(a)
  5. 9. Confidential soldier (7)(Dou)
  6. 11. Not a safe place to drive when having moderate tastes in music (6,2,3,4)(Dou)
  7. 14. Enjoyed a long life at the crease (3,1,4,7)(Dou)
  8. 15. Little Margaret under canvas shelter helps keep it secured (7)(c+st)
  9. 17. Good date for Americans to be given the key to the door (12,3)(St)
  10. 19. Side has tea on the first of March (4)(c)
  11. 20. Be in it with her (7)(A)
  12. 22. Place for learning social graces doing away with group of fish (9,6)(Dou)
  1. 2. Whipped up car dust for dessert (7)(a)
  2. 3. Sped around east with velocity (5)(C)
  3. 4. Buccaneer holding walking stick (4)(h)
  4. 5. Lives with residents abandoning Northern Territory (7)(del abbrev)
  5. 7. 100 Roman’s join milliner in foolish talk (7)(c)
  6. 10. Very important to all life initially (5)(init)
  7. 12. To Idi turn up, I see. How utterly foolish (7) (c)
  8. 13. After chewing candy I’m full of beans (7)(A)
  9. 16. Got back a Roman garment (4)(C)
  10. 18. Boasting about little Councillor in debt (7)(Dou)
  11. 21. Spinners lubricate ground cover (7)(c)
  12. 22. Even this type of battery won’t get you started (4)(St)