EB/351: Marketing Management - Exam #2 Review

  1. 2. ___ product opportunities: the first step in the new product development process
  2. 4. Brand ___: a set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand’s name and symbol that adds to or subtracts from the value provided by a product or service to a firm or that firm’s customers
  3. 5. Narrowest target marketing approach (focus is on individual customer)
  4. 10. Product ___: a group of products linked through usage, customer profile price points, and distribution channels or need satisfaction
  5. 11. Service ___: the measurement of customer expectations of a service compared to their perceptions of actual service performance
  6. 14. ___ attributes: aspects of an offering that can be evaluated only during or after consumption of products and services that have both tangible and intangible characteristics.
  7. 15. Target markets that are not currently considered to be a focus for marketing purposes, bus shows promise for future consideration
  8. 16. These follow focus groups in the positioning development process
  9. 17. ___ leadership: using low cost as a means of differentiation and competitive advantage
  10. 19. A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from competitors
  11. 21. Segmentation of submarkets on the basis of personality, lifestyle, values, and AIOs
  12. 22. Broadest target marketing approach (focus is on general public)
  13. 24. Moment of ___: the face-to-face time between a customer and a provider
  14. 25. ___ purchase: the purchase of a product or service by a customer for the first time
  15. 26. The last type of consumer to buy newly-developed products
  16. 27. Communicating one or more sources of value to customers in ways that connect needs and wants to what the product has to offer; often expressed in a tagline or slogan
  17. 30. Positioning error in which a customers are provided with too frequent changes and contradictory messages regarding positioning
  18. 32. A product in the sense that it represents a bundle of benefits that can satisfy consumer wants and needs, yet it does so without physical form
  19. 33. Point in product life cycle where sales plateau
  20. 34. The person in the buying center who controls access to key participants in the purchasing process
  1. 1. Companies may choose to extend their brand in this way, by offering other manufacturers the right to use the brand in exchange for a set fee or sales percentage
  2. 3. Services are ___, or cannot be saved or stored for future use.
  3. 6. ___ benefit: the fundamental need met by a product
  4. 7. Dividing a market up into smaller meaningful subsets based on common characteristics
  5. 8. Positioning error in which a customer has too narrow an understanding of the company, product or brand
  6. 9. The Service-Profit Chain illustrates the importance of initial ____ service quality for the benefit of the overall process
  7. 12. SERVQUAL measures customer satisfaction by referring to tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy and _____.
  8. 13. Services are ___, or cannot be experienced with the physical senses.
  9. 17. ___ maps are instruments used in making positioning decisions
  10. 18. Anything that delivers value to satisfy a need or want and includes physical merchandise, services, events, people, places, organizations, information, or idea
  11. 20. Offerings that are the most difficult to evaluate, usually professional services, are considered to be high in ____ attributes
  12. 23. Segmentation of submarkets on the basis of characteristics like race, gender, age, and income
  13. 28. The first type of consumer to buy newly-developed products
  14. 29. The second step in the target marketing process is to develop ______ of potential markets
  15. 31. Product ___: all the products offered by a company