Ecological Succession

  1. 4. Succession : the process of change in an ecosystem brought by the replacement of one community by another until a climax is created
  2. 5. Community : a community that has reached the last section of ecological succession
  3. 8. : interruption or interference of a normal state(natural disasters)
  1. 1. Succession : a succession that occurs when preexisting soil after the primary succession has been destroyed due to a disturbance that decreased the population of the inhabitants
  2. 2. : a habitat that is small or limited in space and which differs in character from some surrounding other habitat
  3. 3. Species : these species are hardy species which were the first to colonize an ecosystem and started as a chain of ecological succession
  4. 6. : a slow-growing plant that forms a crust like,leaf like, or branching growth on rocks, walls, or trees
  5. 7. Succession : a succession that occurs when an opening of an uninhabited piece of land has a devoid of plants and lacks topsoil