Ecology Crossword

  1. 8. Species that experience late loss in life with high parental care exist on a Type _____ survivorship curve
  2. 10. Necessary for the life processes of all living things.
  3. 11. Species that experience early loss and overproduce their offspring due to high mortality rate exist on a Type ______ survivorship curve
  4. 12. Converts carbon from once-living organisms into fossil fuels through intense heat and compression.
  5. 14. When a species population grows quickly but then levels off, they experience ______ population growth
  6. 15. The basis of all organic molecules, and is found in a variety of chemical forms.
  7. 17. CO2 released into atmosphere from burning.
  8. 18. Population _________ measures the number of individual organisms living in a defined space
  9. 20. When a species can grow without limit, they experience ________ population growth
  10. 22. Cycle in which no step is completed without the help of living organisms.
  11. 23. Natural disasters are an example of a density-___________ limiting factor
  1. 1. CO2 released into atmosphere as waste from metabolism.
  2. 2. Bacteria convert nitrogen in ammonia to N2 so it can go back into the atmosphere.
  3. 3. Disease is an example of a density-_________ limiting factor
  4. 4. Decomposers, like bacteria, break down dead matter, returning nitrogen to the soil.
  5. 5. Species that experience constant loss, with mortality not being affected by age, exist on a Type _____ survivorship curve
  6. 6. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are all examples of this
  7. 7. Bacteria convert nitrogen in ammonia into nitrates and nitrites to be absorbed by plants in their roots.
  8. 9. The theoretical maximum population that a given environment could support.
  9. 13. Bacteria convert nitrogen from waste (urine and feces) into ammonia.
  10. 16. Plants capture CO2 from the atmosphere and use it to make sugar.
  11. 19. When one organism eats another and obtains the nitrogen or carbon in it.
  12. 21. Bacteria in the soil or water convert nitrogen into forms that plants can use this is known as nitrogen _________.