
  1. 4. you can go to a food ______ to buy all kinds of fresh foods
  2. 8. getting products or service to the consumer is called what
  3. 12. a special economy that relies on trade
  4. 14. if u sell a certain item at a certain store and u sold that item for _______
  5. 16. a positve reward for behaving in a certain way
  6. 18. ___________ is when producing any goods or service requires land, labor, and capital
  7. 19. the hard work you put in your job
  8. 20. a extra or additional benefits of a certain decision
  1. 1. the _______ of working at subway is freesix inch sandwiches
  2. 2. lansing is the ______ of michigan
  3. 3. you by a plot of ___ to start a business
  4. 5. a punishnment or fine for a bad behavior
  5. 6. i am consuming bacon packages
  6. 7. the _____ to makes this product is $10.00
  7. 9. _______ is when thier a inequality exist between wants and recource availabilty
  8. 10. the study of all the economy as a hole
  9. 11. people who makes goods or service is called what
  10. 13. to give a person something and gets something back is consider a even ____
  11. 15. economy the study of individual consumers and buisness
  12. 17. _______ is a social sience that studies how people , are acting indivualy and or in a group