Economics 123654987

  1. 1. The percentage of workers who are interested in working. (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  2. 5. Known as the biggest trade deal in the world, it has mainly lost its power since the US withdrew from the trade deal in early 2017 (dash symbols to divide 3 words)
  3. 11. Post tax income (dash symbols to divide 2 words)
  4. 13. Extra benefits levied to an employee, such as a company car (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  5. 14. when an individual is willing to work more hours but the business is unable to give it
  6. 16. this will increase if consumers are spending more on business products (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  7. 18. The revenue that the government takes in order to run the government
  8. 19. Human resources, lawyers, teachers
  9. 20. Conditions of overseas countries to buy and sell imports and exports (Acronym)
  10. 21. the 'amount' of as good and service that a producer can provide, will fluctuate with the amount of the good or service demanded and price
  11. 24. A factor that considers the amount of individuals that are in a country (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  12. 25. to govern a country or state
  13. 27. Trade agreement between Australia and Asia-Pacific (acronym)
  14. 28. the cost of 'foregoing' a resource for the value of the next best alternative (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  15. 30. Graphical representation of the production of two goods or services (Acronym)
  16. 31. the 'want' for a specific good or service from the public, will fluctuate with the amount of the good and service including price
  17. 34. the type of unemployment that occurs with a fundamental shift in the economy
  18. 35. a market comprised of price-takers that seeks to dominate the market (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  19. 39. Anything of value than an individual or business owns
  20. 42. Financial institution that allows loans, deposits and withdrawals
  21. 43. A type of unemployment that occurs due to the factors of the individual, such as a criminal record
  22. 46. The sector that involves the government in the circular flow model (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  23. 47. A measure of human development in a country (Acronym)
  24. 49. A good or service that is desired in order to provide satisfaction to the user, but which is not necessary for survival or to meet the basic standard of living in a community.
  25. 51. Trade agreement between Australia, New Zealand and several other South-Eastern nations (acronym)
  26. 54. Resources that can create more resources, computers, hammers, machinery
  27. 55. An organisation, enterprise or business engaged in the production and trade of goods and services, usually for profit.
  28. 56. buying goods from another country
  29. 57. a living standard that is defined through economic growth and the contribution of GDP for the individual
  30. 59. the type of Tax on a good
  31. 60. the type of unemployment that is happens when an individual is between two jobs
  32. 62. a series of circumstances that influence the production of a good or service
  33. 65. the system by which goods and services are produced, sold and bought in a country
  34. 66. Multilateral trade agreement between 15 Indo-Pacific nations, including Japan, China, Japan and South Korea (acronym)
  35. 67. percentage of individuals who are aged 15 and over who are either employed or willing to work (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  36. 68. Income deducted from interest rates, the higher the interest rate, the lower the ______ income (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  37. 69. a statutory authority body that regulates market fairness and competition in Australia, synonymous with the Competition and consumer act 2010 (acronym)
  38. 74. Materials that are bought from overseas to manufacture resources, then export said resources (Acronym)
  39. 75. a type of trade agreement which involves multiple countries
  40. 76. a type of trade agreement between two countries
  41. 77. Pay as you go (acronym)
  42. 78. A demand-side factor that increases business confidence and is characterised by the consumer’s optimism of their future (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  43. 79. The firms section of the circular flow model (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  44. 80. when two countries exchange goods
  45. 81. The perceived fairness of the way scarce resources are used and the way the benefits of production are distributed.
  1. 2. The total supply of goods and services in a economy (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  2. 3. the use of goods and services by households
  3. 4. in the ad formula, this is represented by the letter c (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  4. 6. Natural resources defined by geography, coal, wood, rivers
  5. 7. a type of trade agreement which involves several countries in one region
  6. 8. the type of unemployment where the individual removes themselves from the workforce and the unemployment data
  7. 9. Efficiency of resources being allocated to the production of goods and services.
  8. 10. the logic where goods and services are in a natural shortage of supply (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  9. 12. Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (acronym)
  10. 15. The sector that involves imports and exports (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  11. 17. A sector of the economy composed of businesses and non-government organisations that use their surplus funds to achieve goals rather than distribute these funds to the owners. Not-for-profit organisations often exist in the form of charities, service organisations and clubs. (dash symbols to divide 3 words)
  12. 22. ______ curve
  13. 23. The total demand of an economy represented by the GDP (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  14. 26. regular deposits into an employee’s account that will grow through appreciation until the employee’s withdrawal or retirement.
  15. 29. A graph that dictates the productional efficiency of two products. (dash symbols to divide 3 words)
  16. 32. A type of leakage from the financial sector.
  17. 33. Quantified economic activity of a nation (Acronym)
  18. 36. selling goods to another country
  19. 37. allocating money towards a specific sector for profit
  20. 38. the state where companies and brands compete against one another to maximise profits
  21. 40. A type of unemployment that occurs at certain times of the year
  22. 41. Government-promoted spending on the acquisition of goods and services (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  23. 44. Things that add money to the circular flow model
  24. 45. living standards that cannot be conventionally measured (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  25. 48. A type of unemployment that occurs when the Aggregate demand for an economy decreases.
  26. 50. a market with homogenous products and a universal selling and buying game that its easy to enter (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  27. 52. in the ad formula, this is represented by the letter i (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  28. 53. Government-promoted spending on capital resources, roads and means of supply (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  29. 58. Business know-how
  30. 60. A trade agreement (acronym)
  31. 61. Describes the means by which the forces of demand and supply determine prices and the allocation of scarce resources between competing uses. (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  32. 63. The consumer section of the circular flow model (dash symbol to divide 2 words)
  33. 64. consumption that is either private or corporate
  34. 70. the type of Tax against the companies based on profits
  35. 71. _____ rates
  36. 72. Things that remove money from the circular flow model
  37. 73. a strict market with a few competitors that is difficult to enter, price takers