
  1. 1. A business that makes and sells products to other companies
  2. 3. What goes into your bank account besides money
  3. 4. A person that hires workers
  4. 5. The amount you have of something
  5. 11. A customer or a company that will buy the products
  6. 12. a Free Market
  7. 13. work
  8. 15. Money that gets payed to the government
  9. 17. When you have more than you need of something
  10. 19. Something you do well in
  11. 21. the maximum amount of money you can spend
  12. 22. tax that gets taken from your total work salary
  13. 23. Someone who works there
  1. 1. the amount of money people can produce
  2. 2. a subject that teaches you how to learn money
  3. 5. Something that is hard to find
  4. 6. Money that you get then later have to pay it back
  5. 7. Money you save in your account for later
  6. 8. How much of what people want to buy
  7. 9. Battle between two shops
  8. 10. Someone who starts a business
  9. 14. looking for items you want to buy
  10. 16. Tools that you can use
  11. 18. Goods tools used to make stuff
  12. 20. Tax that is on items that got payed back to the government