
  1. 4. when groups or people exchange goods
  2. 5. something that motivates you to make a particular choice
  3. 6. work that goes into producing something
  4. 8. the choices governments make about what to do or not do in managing the country
  5. 10. the value of everything produced in a country
  6. 12. when a business takes over the whole market
  7. 13. trading all over the world
  8. 15. using resources up
  9. 16. the money a business receives when it sells its product
  10. 17. the money governments collect from businesses and people
  1. 1. a place where people exchange things
  2. 2. when there isn't enough of something
  3. 3. how much people want a resource
  4. 7. rules set up the government to control businesses and keep people safe
  5. 9. how much of a resource is available
  6. 11. the money left over from revenue after all business costs are paid
  7. 14. not having enough money to buy essentials