
  1. 2. What is how many dollars worth of goods and services made in a country over time called?
  2. 5. What type of policy does the fed use that deals with money?
  3. 8. What is the protection of consumers interest?
  4. 10. What is the point where the supply curve and demand curve cross called?
  5. 12. What is the word for how a lender decides if you’ll default your debt obligations?
  6. 17. What type of monetary policy decreases the money supply?
  7. 18. If GDP is increasing, producing more goods than before, what is the business cycle going through?
  8. 19. What is a government payment to an individual, business, or other group encouraging them?
  9. 20. What type of economics mainly focuses on psychological, social, and emotional factors?
  10. 21. What is the idea of limited resources?
  11. 22. What type of policy does the government use that deals with taxes?
  1. 1. What kind of unemployment is caused by a recession?
  2. 3. What is the desire, ability, and willingness to buy a product?
  3. 4. What type of price is the lowest a legal price can be paid for a product?
  4. 5. What is the study of behavior/decisions as an economy?
  5. 6. What type of economy is a government that shares economic decisions with individuals?
  6. 7. What is an increase in prices called?
  7. 9. What is a mix of inflation and recession?
  8. 11. What kind of demand does a change in price effects the quantity demanded?
  9. 12. What is the tools, equipment, and machinery used to produce?
  10. 13. What is it called when you share a piece of a company?
  11. 14. What type of tax is any sales tax?
  12. 15. What type of budget is when government makes more money than it spends?
  13. 16. what is an alternative that is available whenever a choice is made?
  14. 17. Which of the 5 C’s is the insurance if the borrower doesn’t repay the loan?