
  1. 4. economic system based on habit and custom
  2. 5. ___ market is where productive resources are bought and sold
  3. 7. brings together buyers and sellers
  4. 10. measure of the amount of output produced in a specific time period
  5. 11. asking the "why" and "how" questions
  6. 13. goods and services are purchased in the __ market
  7. 14. an economic ___ is a simplified version of a complex concept or behavior
  8. 15. ability or capacity of a good or service to be useful
  9. 16. “gifts of nature”
  1. 1. social science dealing with how people make choices
  2. 2. effort a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid
  3. 3. not physical
  4. 5. command economies lack this
  5. 6. basic requirement for survival
  6. 8. fundamental economic problem
  7. 9. ___ cost is the next best alternative given up
  8. 12. work or labor performed for someone