
  1. 2. quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to provide
  2. 5. resources are owned/controlled by the government
  3. 8. economy where goods and services are produced the way it has always been done
  4. 11. raw materials supplied by nature
  5. 13. can be seen and touched
  6. 14. the basic economic problem
  7. 15. combines elements of a command and market economy
  8. 20. the value of the next best alternative
  1. 1. people producing the goods and services
  2. 3. quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy
  3. 4. person who buys and uses goods and services
  4. 6. resources are owned/controlled by the people
  5. 7. determine what products and services will be available for sale
  6. 9. add comfort and pleasure
  7. 10. activities that are consumed at the same time they are produced
  8. 12. giving something up to have something else
  9. 16. means in which goods and services are produced or Factors of Production
  10. 17. the process of choosing which wants (among several) will be satisfied
  11. 18. required for life
  12. 19. products and money used to produce goods and services