
  1. 3. natural
  2. 6. the amount of physical used to produce good and services
  3. 7. buyers, sellers, market
  4. 9. max money a consumer is willing to pay
  5. 11. financial motivations for people to take certain action
  6. 13. loss of something you also want
  7. 14. water, food supply,
  8. 16. where government makes all the decisions
  9. 18. demand drive economic decision
  10. 19. quantity of good and services produced in a specific time period
  11. 20. worker tools
  1. 1. rules that limit who can enter a business and what prices they may charged
  2. 2. the separation of work process of task
  3. 4. distribution resources
  4. 5. refers of framework by business
  5. 8. consumers have some controlling power
  6. 10. private and public enterprise
  7. 12. non man-made, ore, minerals
  8. 15. an increase in the amount of good and services
  9. 17. additional cost, one