
  1. 4. gross investment minus depreciation
  2. 5. human-made goods used in production
  3. 7. the output per factor of production in an hour
  4. 13. risk bearing and key decesion making in business
  5. 15. spending on capital goods
  6. 17. a person who bears risks and makes the key decisions in a business
  7. 19. the ability of enterprise to change where it works or in which occupation
  8. 22. reduction in the number of capital goods caused by some obsolete and worn out capital goods not being replaced
  9. 24. a situation where there is not enough to satisfy everyone's wants
  10. 26. capable of changing use
  11. 27. the next best alternative forgone
  12. 28. the ability of capital to change where it works or in which occupation
  1. 1. the ability of labour to change where it works or in which occupation
  2. 2. people in work and those actively seeking work
  3. 3. a curve that shows the maximum output of two types of products and combination of those products that can be produced with existing resources and technology
  4. 5. goods and services purchased by households for their own satsifaction
  5. 6. output per worker hour
  6. 8. goods and services produced by the factors of production
  7. 9. incapable of moving from one location to another location
  8. 10. the value of capital goods that have worn out or become obsolete
  9. 11. total spending's on capital goods
  10. 12. factors used to produce goods and services
  11. 14. the next best alternative forgone
  12. 16. human effort (physical and mental) used in producing goods and services
  13. 18. a product which requires resources to produce it and therefore has an opportunity cost
  14. 20. unlimited wants exceeding finite resources
  15. 21. gifts of nature available for production
  16. 23. the economic resources of land, labour, capital and enterprise
  17. 25. a product which does not require any resources to make it and so does not have an opportunity cost