
  1. 3. People or businesses who make and sell things for a profit
  2. 4. The skills, knowledge and effort provided by a worker
  3. 6. The quantity of a good that consumers are willing and able to purchase
  4. 9. People who buy things to use
  5. 10. where buyers and sellers exchange money for goods and services
  6. 12. The amount of money a business earns after taking away the expenses that it has to pay
  7. 13. The problem arises because our wants are unlimited, but the natural resources we use to fulfil them are limited
  1. 1. The study of how people produce goods and services for other people to consume
  2. 2. Things that we physically cannot survive without, such as food, water and shelter
  3. 3. The amount of money expected in payment for something
  4. 5. When a person uses their money to make more money over time
  5. 7. What we miss out on when making a choice
  6. 8. Things that we desire but can survive without
  7. 11. The quantity of a good or service that producers are willing and able to provide