
  1. 2. A situation where consumers do not have full or complete information when making decisions
  2. 5. 'other things equal' or 'other things unchanged'
  3. 7. Goods that are consumed by one person and not available to anyone else
  4. 8. Goods that are not scarce and have zero opportunity cost
  5. 12. Where a manufacturing process is split into a sequence of individual tasks
  6. 15. An economic system where both market forces and government are involved in resource allocation decisions.
  7. 17. The data from which a supply curve is drawn on a graph
  8. 20. Resources that are available to be used
  9. 21. The quantity of a product that consumers are willing and able to buy at different prices per period of time, other things equal, ceteris paribus
  1. 1. Where there is a change in ownership from the public sector to the private sector
  2. 3. A tax levied on goods and services, such as a general sales tax.
  3. 4. A good that is thought to be desirable for consumers but which is underprovided by the market because of information failure
  4. 6. The process by which individuals, firms and economies concentrate on producing those goods and services where they have an advantage over others
  5. 9. A factor of production; human resources available in an economy
  6. 10. When two goods are consumed together
  7. 11. The quantity of a product that producers are willing and able to sell at different prices within a time period, other things equal, ceteris paribus
  8. 13. Where consumption by one person of a good or sevice reduces the availability of the good or service for others
  9. 14. Someone who does not pay to use a public good
  10. 16. A factor of production; a physical resource made by humans that aids the production of goods and services
  11. 18. The means of allocating resources in a market economy
  12. 19. Where the quantity demanded increases as income decreases