
  1. 2. a sector that is owned by the govt. and paid for by taxes
  2. 6. when supply and demand are equal
  3. 9. people who receive a public
  4. 12. workers
  5. 14. benefits without paying
  6. 15. a good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable
  7. 16. a good that is rivalrous and excludable
  8. 17. a sector that is privately owned and works for profit
  9. 18. the next best opportunity forgone
  10. 19. man-made resources
  11. 21. money taken by the govt.
  12. 22. natural resources
  1. 1. ppc definition
  2. 3. who to produce for, what to produce, and how to produce it
  3. 4. money granted by the govt.
  4. 5. the responsiveness of supply to a change in demand
  5. 7. a public good that determined to be unhealthy or undesirable
  6. 8. the responsiveness of supply to a change in price
  7. 10. inversely proportional curve
  8. 11. business
  9. 13. a good that is determined to have a benefit
  10. 20. market failure