
  1. 2. measure of a country's total outcome
  2. 4. the second question
  3. 7. vast different seen in prices
  4. 9. the dollar value for final produce
  5. 10. useful tangible item
  6. 11. The basic problem in Economics (scarcity)
  7. 12. resource equid to produce things
  8. 14. worth can be expressed in dollars
  9. 16. the first question
  10. 19. for finial use by individuals
  11. 20. tools, equipment, factories
  12. 21. basic equipment for survival
  1. 1. U.S has remarkable what?
  2. 3. Another factor of production
  3. 4. the way to make everything
  4. 5. last question
  5. 6. "the gift of nature"
  6. 8. factors can perform only task they can do better
  7. 9. risk taker looking for profits
  8. 13. people with their efforts and abilities
  9. 15. study of scarcity
  10. 17. item that last for fewer years
  11. 18. something that people would like to have
  12. 19. total output and outcome increase