
  1. 2. a worth that can be expressed in dollars and cents
  2. 6. mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchange a specific product
  3. 7. products that are tangible, scarce, useful, and transferable from one person
  4. 10. nation’s total output of goods and services increases over time
  5. 12. good that lasts three years or more when used on a regular basis
  6. 13. study of how people try to satisfy
  7. 15. market the factors of production are bought and sold
  8. 16. work that is performed for someone
  9. 18. not having enough resources
  10. 24. we rely on others
  11. 25. a useful tangible item
  1. 1. perform only tasks they can do better or more efficiently than others
  2. 3. natural resources not created by people
  3. 4. the capacity to be useful and provide satisfaction
  4. 5. capital goods
  5. 8. study of how people try to satisfy
  6. 9. measure of the amount of goods and services produced
  7. 11. people with all their efforts, abilities, and skills
  8. 14. producers sell their goods and services
  9. 17. a risktaker in search of profit
  10. 19. Goods intended for final use by individuals
  11. 20. basic requirement for survival
  12. 21. good tools, equipment used in the production of goods and service
  13. 22. not necessary for survival
  14. 23. each individual worker completes a separate part of the work