
  1. 2. money issued and put into circulation by the government
  2. 4. factors that determine supply
  3. 5. factors that determine demand
  4. 6. the opportunity you give up in exchange for another
  5. 9. limited resources and unlimited wants
  6. 11. the workers and specialization used in production
  7. 12. the government agency that controls national banks and loans money to banks
  8. 14. a tax on imported goods
  9. 15. the resources and area used in production
  10. 16. the money and assets used in production
  11. 17. point at which the supply and the demand curves meet
  12. 19. a limit on imported goods
  13. 20. a medium of exchange
  14. 22. the desire of a resource or good
  15. 23. economy in which people own the resources
  16. 25. when someone takes a risk to start a business
  1. 1. economy in which the government controls the resources
  2. 3. a ban on trade
  3. 7. the belief that international trade should be limited to protect domestic interests
  4. 8. land, labor, capital, entreprenuership
  5. 10. economy based on tradition and ancestral jobs
  6. 13. the state of holding a job
  7. 18. unemployment in which someone is between jobs
  8. 21. the processes of giving up an opportunity for another
  9. 24. the amount of a resource or good available