  1. 4. Persistence in doing something despite difficulty
  2. 7. State of being apart from company or observation seclusion.
  3. 8. As a social science, is the study of creation, distribution, and consumption of goods.
  4. 10. A strain or heavy demand.
  5. 11. Financial resources.
  6. 13. friendly or business interactions.
  7. 14. Willingness and ability to purchase a commodity or service.
  8. 16. Is the cultivation and reproduction of animals, plants and fungi to produce food,fiber,fuel,medicine and other products for use in sustaining and improving people's lives.
  9. 22. A distinguishable localized population of a species.
  10. 24. As a pledge for a contract, The balance being payable later.
  11. 25. A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  12. 26. Knowing, accepting and being who are while demonstrating modesty about our accomplishment and gifts.
  13. 28. Services within an economy.
  14. 29. An act of lending small money to someone.
  1. 1. off Is a concept in Economics which refers to the method of selection.
  2. 2. The quantities of goods.
  3. 3. State and organizes its system.
  4. 5. A type of security that gives stockholders a share of ownership in a company.
  5. 6. Cost Is the value imposed on one object in exchange for another objects for a choice of unrelated objects.
  6. 9. The activity or condition of competing.
  7. 11. Property in the form of money
  8. 12. An accepted form of exchange and measure of value and A contract that legally represents wealth.
  9. 15. Thinking Spends another unit for something will be a reduction.
  10. 17. Declared in the law unable to pay outstanding debts.
  11. 18. A principle of action adopted.
  12. 19. Buy (something) whose usefulness will repay the cost.
  13. 20. The amount of money needed or available for a purpose.
  14. 21. A particular section, group or type of people.
  15. 23. Estimate the price of.
  16. 27. Refers to an enterprising entity or organization that carries out professional activities.