
  1. 3. a business organization recognized by law as a separate legal entity (you'll hear some people say "evil -----------"
  2. 4. the type of liability where the owner is responsible for all losses and debts(and they could go on forever)
  3. 8. represents non-voting ownership shares (people like this more because it pays out first))
  4. 9. a government document that gives permission to create a corporation
  5. 11. a stock of finished goods and parts in reserve
  6. 12. when a union negotiates with management over issues such as pay, hours, health care, etc
  7. 15. wooly mammoths are buried in this
  8. 16. an organization of workers formed to represent its members' interests (it has nothing to do with a woman giving birth)
  9. 19. a business that is jointly owned by two or more people (like a doubles' tennis relationship)
  10. 21. ____(flow) total amount of new funds a business generates from operation
  11. 23. a written promise to repay the amount borrowed (007)
  12. 25. corporations producing and selling without regard to nation boundaries (I made the word plural by accident)
  13. 27. Likes to chase mice
  14. 28. Flying mammal
  15. 30. organization like a business but not for financial gain
  16. 31. income common measure of business profits found by subtracting all expenses from revenues
  17. 32. a voluntary association formed to carry on an economic activity that benefits its members (people shorten the word and it looks like their talking about a chicken house)
  18. 34. the amount borrowed
  19. 35. Man's best friend
  1. 1. combination of two or more businesses to form a single business
  2. 2. merger combination of two or more firms producing the same kind of product
  3. 5. gradual wear on capital goods
  4. 6. the price paid for the use of another's money
  5. 7. Has a trunk
  6. 8. a business owned by a single individual
  7. 10. ownership certificate
  8. 13. union a financial organization that accepts deposits from, makes loans to, employees of a particular company or govt agency
  9. 14. a check that transfers a portion of the corporate earnings (the name is comes from the idea of splitting up the profits evenly)
  10. 17. merger combination of firms involved in different stages of manufacturing or marketing
  11. 18. ____ (statement) a report showing a firm's sales, expenses, net income, and cash flows for a certain period
  12. 20. examples are water, sewerage, electric services
  13. 22. firm with four or more businesses making unrelated product, with no single business responsible for a majority of its sales
  14. 24. represents basic ownership of a corporation (it's not unusual)
  15. 26. a blood sucking insect blamed for Lyme disease
  16. 29. Large marsupial
  17. 33. a young dog or seal