
  1. 3. one of four factors of production soil
  2. 4. The exchange of goods and services amongst buyers and sellers
  3. 6. factor of production representing workers effort
  4. 8. a job type that is ongoing but less that 35 hours per week
  5. 13. A focus on the production of a particular good or service
  6. 15. The person who buys goods and services
  7. 16. The people or organisations that supply goods and services
  8. 18. you can only use it once it will not last forever
  9. 19. work type that is often irregular hours
  10. 20. when someone leaves the work force usually at the age of 67 of 67
  11. 21. the study of how society uses resources for needs and wants
  1. 1. time and labour given without payment in return
  2. 2. the way participants in an economy rely on each other for goods and services they cannot produce
  3. 5. something you would like to have
  4. 7. combines all factors of production together
  5. 9. type of work that is ongoing and more than 35 hours per week
  6. 10. the value of the best alternative given up when making a choice for something else
  7. 11. something you need to survive
  8. 12. having limited resources to meet all the needs and wants
  9. 14. money earnt from working in the form of a wage
  10. 17. The way we distribute the scarce resources
  11. 22. machinery, tools and building used to produce goods and services