  1. 2. economic system where individuals answer the 3 questions
  2. 4. the next best alternative when making a decision
  3. 5. the science of scarcity
  4. 8. when government takes money from a business to limit production
  5. 9. government programs aimed at limiting poverty
  6. 11. we have unlimited wants but limited resources
  7. 12. weighing the marginal benefits & costs
  8. 13. people who benefit from a good/service without paying
  9. 17. output per unit of input
  10. 19. when the invisible hand fails
  11. 20. economic system in which the government answers the 3 questions
  1. 1. any point inside of the PPC
  2. 3. all the alternatives given up when making a decision
  3. 6. destroy competition (they are the market)
  4. 7. when government gives money to businesses to increase production
  5. 10. where Qd=Qs
  6. 14. any point along the PPC
  7. 15. the amount of a good producers are willing and able to sell at different prices
  8. 16. what motivates all businesses
  9. 18. the amount of a good people are willing and able to buy at different prices