
  1. 4. the consumer makes market decisions
  2. 6. general increase in prices and fall in the value of money
  3. 7. when the market is growing and doing well
  4. 10. property consisting of lang of buildings
  5. 11. 20-30 years, much cheaper
  6. 12. stock dividing and then paying out to you
  7. 13. tax on privately owned property
  8. 16. giving up the best thing for and alternative
  9. 18. business run individually and for people who pay money
  10. 20. business run and paid for by the government
  11. 21. when the stocks go down and economy is struggling
  1. 1. when economy suffers government should influx money
  2. 2. performance how well a stock is doing based on how others are doing
  3. 3. have disadvantages because they pay higher taxes
  4. 5. the more you make the more luxury you can buy
  5. 8. have advantages because they don't get taxed as much
  6. 9. anything you gave up to make a finacial decision
  7. 14. automatically pays out, more expensive,
  8. 15. a share in the ownership of a company
  9. 17. hands-off economy will self regulate
  10. 19. father of modern economics, wealth of nations, capitalism