
  1. 5. Ownership in a company.
  2. 6. A good who demand decreases when income increases.
  3. 9. When buyers and sellers hold different information.
  4. 11. The overconsumption of common resources. It is called the Tragedy of the...
  5. 14. Tendency to take fewer precautions b/c of insurance.
  6. 15. Rise of overall prices in an economy.
  7. 16. When the supplier can prevent people from consuming.
  8. 18. Type of advantage where you have the lowest opportunity cost.
  9. 19. Measure of economic growth.
  10. 20. A loan issued by a borrower.
  11. 21. When spending exceeds tax revenue.
  1. 1. What you give up to get something.
  2. 2. Responsible for monetary policy.
  3. 3. Responsible for fiscal policy.
  4. 4. When more than one person can consume a good.
  5. 7. Side effect of someone else's behavior.
  6. 8. Benefit from something without contributing.
  7. 9. Type of advantage where you can make more in a given amount of time.
  8. 10. Money backed by gold.
  9. 12. Concerned with individual decisions.
  10. 13. Unemployment caused by a careful job search.
  11. 17. Core element of economic growth.