
  1. 1. created a free trade zone in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
  2. 6. Individuals in this economic system are able to decide what goods and services should be produced, how they should be produced, and for whom they are produced.
  3. 8. an economic system that is centrally controlled by a powerful government
  4. 9. the national government under both Democratic and Republican leadership have worked to ______ barriers to international trade
  5. 10. helps administer free trade agreements by handling various disputes and providing a forum for member nations to negotiate.
  1. 2. an early economist who believed that the free market system was the best way to organize the economy
  2. 3. supported equality and a strong central government
  3. 4. In this economy, people often work the same jobs as their parents and grandparents.
  4. 5. Although free trade is generally positive for the nations involved, but the US government is still set up _____ on trade
  5. 7. A nation chooses its economic system based on how its society answers the ____ basic economic questions