
  1. 5. businesses rely on many other businesses in order to keep going, this is called:
  2. 8. economic system where a combination of consumers, businesses and government make the decisions
  3. 10. quantity provided at a specfic price and point
  4. 12. good that helps complete another in some way
  5. 16. economic system where everything is government owned and government is decision maker
  6. 18. demand increases resulting in economic recovery and _
  7. 19. good that are not necessary for survival
  8. 20. an item that can be seen or touched
  9. 21. good people use less as their income increases
  10. 22. economic system that emphasizes the individual, consumers and businesses make the decisions
  11. 24. visual illustrating the relationship between price and the amount of a product people want to buy
  12. 25. anyone who buys/uses good and services
  1. 1. visual illustratng the relationship between the quantity sellers want to sell during some time period and price
  2. 2. quantity desired at a specific price and point
  3. 3. demand decreases resulting in economic decline called a
  4. 4. goods that satisfy the same set of goals or preferences
  5. 6. economic system where decisions are based on the past and customs from generation to generation
  6. 7. business exist to _ what costumers demand
  7. 9. the desire and the ability to purchase good or service
  8. 11. anyone who makes, grows a good or provides service to sell
  9. 13. term of where quantity supplied and quantity demand are equal
  10. 14. lowest point in the state of an economy ; also known as depression
  11. 15. economy's highest point with everything high or/and increasing
  12. 17. extra money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent
  13. 23. people perfecting and doing only part of a process ; how the assembly line originated