
  1. 2. A payment made not in the form of cash, but in the form of a good or service is:
  2. 7. The additional output a firm gets by employing one additional unit of labor is:
  3. 8. An arbitrary preference by an employer for one group of workers over another is:
  4. 10. One in which small differences in human capital translate into large differences in pay is:
  5. 11. A difference in the wage rate-negative or positive- that reflects the attractiveness of a job's working conditions is:
  6. 14. The 1996 federal law that transferred responsibility for welfare programs from the federal level to the state level and placed a five-year lifetime limit on payment of AFDC benefits to any given recipient is:
  7. 15. A policy under which low-income workers receive credits on their federal income tax is:
  1. 1. A theory of pay determination that says a worker's wage will be proportional to his/her stock of human capital is:
  2. 3. The level of income below which the government classifies a family as poor is:
  3. 4. The willingness of consumers to pay more for a product produced by members of a favored group, even if the quality of the product is unaffected is:
  4. 5. An amalgam of factors such as education, training, experience, intelligence, energy, work habits, trustworthiness, and initiative that affects the value of a worker's marginal product is:
  5. 6. The dollar value of the additional output a firm gets by employing one additional unit of labor is:
  6. 9. A benefit program whose benefit level declines as the recipient earns additional income is:
  7. 12. A system under which the government would grant every citizen a cash payment each year, financed by an additional tax on earned income
  8. 13. A group of workers who bargain collectively with employers for better wages and working conditions is: