- 3. Valuable things to pay some goods or service
- 5. Goods and services sold to other countries
- 7. To announce in some public medium to induce people to buy
- 11. One who makes goods using the factors of production
- 12. All human resources-workers
- 13. Sole legal right to sell good, service or artistic work
- 14. Consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price for a good
- 15. The coordination of the activities of a business
- 16. Revenue of a company minus the expenses
- 17. A share of a company held by an individual or group
- 1. Goods and services brought into a country from other countries
- 2. A place to save money
- 3. Where buyers and sellers interact
- 4. The income generated from sale of goods or services
- 6. Holds one or more shares in a company
- 7. Systematic process of financial information
- 8. Amount of an item produced for sale
- 9. Machinery, equipment and money for production
- 10. One who buys and/or uses goods or services
- 11. Created as a result of a process