Economics: Chapter 1+2

  1. 6. process of creating goods and services
  2. 7. a work that is performed for someone
  3. 8. worth that can be expressed in dollars or cents
  4. 9. risk taker in search of profits who does something new with existing resources
  5. 11. item that is economically useful
  6. 13. used to buy capitals
  7. 15. people with all their efforts, abilities, and skills
  8. 18. and services that are useful, relatively scarce, and transferable to others
  1. 1. the tools, equipment, machinery,and factories used in the production of goods and services
  2. 2. labor, capital, entrepreneurs
  3. 3. manufactured goods are used to produce other goods and services
  4. 4. results from society not having enough resources to produce all the things people would like to have
  5. 5. good, intended for final use by individuals
  6. 10. requirement for survival
  7. 12. of expressing a need
  8. 14. study of how people try to satisfy unlimited wants
  9. 16. the dollar value of all financial goods and services
  10. 17. gifts of nature