Economics Crossword

  1. 1. not fully utilising resources (in terms of labour)
  2. 3. how optimistic or pessimistic businesses are in regards to their spending and investments
  3. 5. measures the value of final goods and services produced in Australia at current prices
  4. 6. a form of employment where a person's skills are not being fully utilised in their position or job
  5. 9. A market structure where there are a few businesses that dominate the market that also set prices and producer sovereignty
  6. 10. characterised by inflation, high employment and incomes, high consumer confidence, decreased government spending
  7. 11. a business whereby the owner licences its operations—along with its products, branding, and knowledge—in exchange for a franchise fee
  8. 12. a larger form of unemployment that occurs due to aggregate supply and is always occuring
  9. 13. The people that are not counted or considered in employment statistics.
  10. 16. characterised by two negative GDP growths, deflation, high unemployment, and increased government spending
  11. 17. a situation in which someone chooses not to work, either because they will not take a job with low pay, or they are satisfied with the amount they receive from the government in benefits while not working.
  12. 18. increased deflation, a decrease in GDP, higher unemployment, and some business bankruptcies
  13. 20. they promote competition and fair trading and regulates national infrastructure to make markets work for everyone.
  14. 23. This form of unemployment refers to unemployment via industrial reorganisation, typically due to technological change.
  15. 25. goods that are utilised by the customer jointly and are useless when used alone
  16. 27. occurs among individuals who have been without a job for a relatively long time, usually due to disability or criminal records.
  17. 33. a market where essentially infinite businesses compete within a market and adheres to the supply and demand of consumers and suppliers
  18. 34. a natural form of unemployment that occurs due to a lack of aggregate demand (AD), and continually fluctuates as a business cycle does.
  19. 37. the purchase of equipment, machinery and inventory (capital goods and services, and spending)
  20. 39. an economic cycle which refers to economic fluctuations between periods of expansion and contraction and apexing at peaks and recessions
  21. 42. the total amount of a given product or service a supplier offers to consumers at a given period and a given price level
  22. 44. a global marketplace for exchanging national currencies
  23. 46. a increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy due to greater demand than supply
  24. 49. the mean of all wages earned by employees over a 7 day period
  25. 50. a deterrent placed by the government on specific goods and services like cigarettes, alcohol, or fuel/patrol
  26. 51. the percentages that indicate how much extra money a householder that is paying a loan with interest needs to pay back when you borrow money or how much you earn when you save or invest money
  27. 54. regarded by the customer to be the same, such that they may be used in place of one another and deliver the same amount of satisfaction.
  28. 55. goods and services purchased by Australia that are manufactured overseas
  29. 57. characterised by some inflation, decreasing unemployment rates, and increases in GDP
  30. 58. occurs when the economy is consistently growing between 3-3.5%
  31. 59. the unemployment which exists due to people being in the process from moving one job to another, or in between jobs.
  1. 1. Those people who are actively looking for work but cannot find it
  2. 2. Spendable income after receiving government support and paying personal income tax, available to spend on whatever one wishes.
  3. 4. when people are unemployed at particular times (seasons) of the year when demand for labour is lower than usual.
  4. 7. materials or substances used in the primary production or manufacturing of goods
  5. 8. all persons aged 15 years and above who are able and willing to work. It includes those persons classified as as employed and those who are unemployed
  6. 14. the percentage of the labour force over that of the poulation
  7. 15. a market structure where one business dominates the consumer market and prices are set by the business because there is no competition
  8. 19. the percentages at which your income or certain transactions are taxed by the government.
  9. 21. What homeowners are spending on final products that aren’t investments (an increase can occur via a promotion/wage increase or a decrease in tax rates). It comprises approximately 60% of AD in Australia.
  10. 22. the ratio from inputs to outputs. Inputs can be either material goods or factors of production (capital and labour) used to produce goods and services
  11. 24. relates to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a specific price for them
  12. 26. the increase in the number of people living in a specific area over a certain period of time.
  13. 28. goods and services that are made in Australia and purchased by foreign residents
  14. 29. the money you set aside from your income instead of spending it immediately. It's usually kept in a bank or other financial institution to use for future needs or goals.
  15. 30. A product in the market can be affected by its ability to produce
  16. 31. the largest portion of tax that goes to the government; imposed on income
  17. 32. the living standards/non-material living standards
  18. 35. among individuals who have been without a job for a relatively long time, usually due to disability or criminal records.
  19. 36. is the better measure of GDP an inflation-adjusted measure that reflects the value of all goods and service
  20. 38. Rate The price or value of our currency when swapped for other currencies.
  21. 40. a decrease in the general price level of goods and services in an economy due to lesser demand then supply
  22. 41. money you earn from various sources, such as your job, investments, or business activities. It's the total amount of money coming in before any expenses or taxes are deducted.
  23. 43. defined as being without paid work and/or have been looking for working, for a year or more.
  24. 45. having a job or being engaged in work for which you receive payment or compensation.
  25. 47. a form of measuring how many goods and services people purchase over a given time period (usually measured monthly, quarterly, or annually). It suggests that as the price falls, demand increases, and vice versa.
  26. 48. how optimistic or pessimistic consumers are in regards to their spending and purchases
  27. 52. a tax imposed by one country on the goods and services imported from another country
  28. 53. When the maximum level of employment is achieved without triggering excessive inflationary pressures, or when cyclical unemployment is at 0% and the unemployment rate is at the NAIRU of 4.25%. Any statistics under or above the NAIRU of 4.25% is not reaching the goal as it triggers excessive inflationary pressures.
  29. 56. a tax charged on corporate income in Australia