Economics Crossword

  1. 6. Individuals or entities that purchase goods or services from a business.
  2. 7. The increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over time.
  3. 8. Products that are typically used together, and the demand for one is linked to the demand for the other, such as smartphones and mobile data plans.
  4. 9. Products that can replace each other in fulfilling a particular need or want, such as different brands of soda.
  5. 10. An organization engaged in activities such as producing, selling, or providing goods and services in order to generate profit.
  6. 14. Abraham Maslow's theory of human motivation categorizes human needs into a hierarchical structure, with basic physiological needs at the base and self-actualization needs at the top.
  7. 17. The creation or application of new ideas, methods, or technologies to improve products, services, or processes.
  8. 18. The people who work for a company, including employees, managers, and executives.
  9. 19. The quantity of a product or service that producers are willing and able to provide at various prices.
  10. 21. Desires or preferences for goods and services beyond basic needs.
  11. 22. The quantity of a product or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at various prices.
  12. 24. High-end or non-essential products and services.
  13. 25. The mutual reliance or dependence of different businesses, industries, or individuals on each other within an economic system.
  1. 1. Raw materials and elements derived from the environment, such as water, minerals, and forests.
  2. 2. The inputs, including labor, land, capital, and entrepreneurship, used in the production of goods and services.
  3. 3. No longer in use or relevant, often referring to products, technologies, or practices that have been replaced by newer alternatives.
  4. 4. Intangible actions or tasks provided by a business to fulfill customer needs or wants.
  5. 5. A person or entity that purchases and uses goods or services.
  6. 11. Man-made tools, machinery, and equipment used in the production of goods and services.
  7. 12. Products or services that are necessary for basic living and well-being, such as food and healthcare.
  8. 13. Basic requirements for survival and well-being, such as food, clothing, and shelter.
  9. 15. The creation of a new product, process, or idea.
  10. 16. products or items that can be touched that are produced and can be bought or sold.
  11. 20. A business or individual that creates goods or services for sale.
  12. 23. A state in which the supply and demand for a product or service are in balance, resulting in stable prices.