Economics Crossword

  1. 2. a partnership where one partner makes management decisions, and the other has limited liability
  2. 4. company that can traverse borders of multiple nations
  3. 6. multiple firms working to fix prices
  4. 8. a company managed by a single person, often ends with their death
  5. 13. a type of competition marked by many buyers and sellers with identical goods and no control over price
  6. 16. company that sells multiple unrelated products
  7. 17. a card allowing users to buy now pay later
  8. 18. a type of competition marked by a small number of big corporations
  9. 19. a stock market index with prominent tech companies
  10. 20. a single seller has domination of the market of a specific good
  1. 1. what you would call water pollution as the result of a new recycling plant
  2. 3. when the price of one good increases, demand for this other good increases
  3. 5. goods when the price of one good decreases, demand for this other good increases
  4. 7. a type of competition marked by slight variation in goods
  5. 9. government agency to protect investors, manages the stock market
  6. 10. goods demand for this decreases as income increases
  7. 11. inflation and unemployment increases
  8. 12. a card allowing users to purchase with funds directly from an account
  9. 14. an iPhone: designed in California, parts made in China, assembled in the US
  10. 15. a stock market index with 30 prominent companies