Economics Crossword

  1. 4. An overall rise in the price of goods and services.
  2. 10. An item that can be touched/seen and is a necessity for one’s survival.
  3. 13. Raw materials that are obtained from the earth, water or air.
  4. 17. The demand of a product decreases.
  5. 18. The quantity of goods and services businesses are willing and able to sell at a given price.
  6. 21. The quantity of goods and services people are willing and able to purchase at a given price.
  7. 22. People/ businesses that purchase goods or services.
  8. 24. The law that says people want to purchase less of a product as the price increases.
  9. 25. An item that can be touched and seen.
  10. 26. Amount of a product wanted by customers at a specific price.
  11. 28. A state of the economy where there is high unemployment, declining income, and declining standards of living.
  12. 29. People/businesses that utilize goods or services.
  13. 30. Money, building and equipment used towards creating a good or service.
  14. 31. The entire market value of the products and services generated by an economy during a given time period.
  15. 32. Items that can be touched/seen and due to changed conditions, may replace one another in usage/consumption.
  1. 1. The law that says businesses want to sell more of a product as the price increases.
  2. 2. Assistance that is provided, usually in return for a source of payment, which meets the needs and wants of people/businesses but does not result in a product that is seen/touched.
  3. 3. System that emphasizes individuals and where consumers and businesses make the decisions.
  4. 5. Businesses depend on one another to run their own business.
  5. 6. The theory that a person does not feel the need of a higher level until the needs of the current level has been met.
  6. 7. Demand for a product increases and production increases as well.
  7. 8. Means of providing consumers with access to goods and services.
  8. 9. Items that can be touched/seen and used together.
  9. 11. An increase in income, output, employment, prices and profit.
  10. 12. The workforce/ people who work to create a good or service.
  11. 14. The price where what customers want to buy is equal to the amount businesses want to sell at.
  12. 15. Items that are essential for survival like food, clothing and shelter.
  13. 16. System where the decisions are made by a combination of consumers, businesses and government.
  14. 19. Product/ service that consumers no longer desire due to a variety of reasons like being outdated, outmoded or replaced by another new/improved product.
  15. 20. System where everything is government owned and the government is given emphasis as the most important decision-maker.
  16. 23. Items that are not essential for survival but enhance life by adding pleasure/comfort.
  17. 27. System where decisions are made depending on the past and customs from generation to generation.