Economics (i mainly used terms instead of single words sorry)

  1. 3. The income that a person takes home after income tax.
  2. 6. The tax paid on the purchase of goods and services.
  3. 7. A market in which a business has exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  4. 8. A showing the level of demand in relation to cost of goods.
  5. 10. Refers to people's quality of living shown in factors like work-life balance, quality of relationships and environmental biodiversity.
  6. 13. Unforeseen natural disasters or natural occurring conditions that impact level of supply.
  7. 15. the amount of income a person in the labour force earns on weekly on average.
  8. 16. Maximum output of two sets of goods using a fixed amount of input.
  9. 17. A market which is dominated by a small number of large sellers.
  10. 18. This occurs when the level of supply is equal to the level of demand
  11. 19. This states that when the price of a product goes down, the quantity demand increases and vice versa.
  12. 20. The income a person makes after the paying of tax and other necessities (eg. food, clothing, housing, etc.)
  1. 1. A market in which elements of a monopoly allow individual producers or consumers to exercise a level of control over market prices.
  2. 2. The worth of a currency in one economy transferred over to another nation's currency.
  3. 4. A graph showing the level of supply in relation to the cost of goods.
  4. 5. The means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy.
  5. 9. The level of confidence a person has when buying goods and/or services.
  6. 11. Man-made goods that further the production of supply in a company/business.
  7. 12. Refers to the access of goods and services through factors such as level of employment and the level of disposable income.
  8. 14. This states that when the price of a product goes up, the quantity supply increases with it ans vice versa.