Economics: Money

  1. 1. Card Cards used to purchase goods or services on credit from a store, up to a pre arranged credit limit.
  2. 3. Putting some of your wages or salary aside for later use e.g. in a savings account or by investing in stocks and shares or 5 or 10 year savings plan.
  3. 6. A plan of your future weekly, inflows of finance and the outflows of finance to identify under and overspending.
  4. 7. The stages of life people go through
  5. 9. Something given up when making a choice e.g. when buying a sandwich from the school canteen you give up the benefit you could have got from a hot chocolate.
  6. 11. The basic products that people need to survive e.g. food, drink, shelter, warmth, and clothing.
  7. 12. A figure quoted in savings advertisements to help customers compare savings products with one another
  8. 13. The desire to consume goods and services. Wants are unlimited because there is no limit to the amount of goods and services people would like to consume.
  9. 15. Long term loan often secured on a house, which remains the property of the banks until it is paid off
  10. 17. The time in the personal life cycle when you stop working and depend for income on your retirement fund in a pension. Or continue to work if it’s not enough- semi-retired
  11. 19. The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a particular price.
  12. 20. Resources are limited compared with our wants
  1. 2. The rights and wrongs of an issue
  2. 4. The interest rate charged on loans to help compare their rates
  3. 5. The quantity of a good or service that businesses will offer for sale at a given price.
  4. 8. Total money received by a person from salary or wages, interest or dividend.
  5. 10. An annual rate which is charged to borrowers or paid to savers
  6. 14. regular payments from the government to support people who are unemployed or in need.
  7. 16. Borrowing up to an agreed limit on a current account. Daily interest is charged it must be paid back and can be called in at any time by a bank.
  8. 18. Type of savings account