Economics Review

  1. 3. type of business organization with shareholders owning small pieces of business
  2. 6. role of money that allows us to save up for purchases later
  3. 8. market structure with several big companies controlling the market
  4. 9. nation that produces most of a product
  5. 10. role of money allowing comparisons
  6. 11. GDP
  7. 13. type of liability where you aren't held personally responsible
  8. 15. act of businesses trying to get you to be their customer
  9. 16. 1 of 3 basic economic questions related to which product a business should make
  10. 19. nation with lowest opportunity cost
  11. 22. type of business organization with only 1 owner
  12. 24. curve that gives options for production
  13. 27. increase in price levels
  14. 29. condition that exist when unlimited wants & needs are greater than limited resources
  15. 31. type of economic system ruled by supply and demand, aka capitalist
  16. 32. states that businesses will make more products available as prices increase
  1. 1. type of economic system where economic questions are answered by way things have always been done
  2. 2. measure of how many people are seeking work
  3. 4. actions carried out by the Federal Reserve to contract and expand the economy
  4. 5. 1 of 3 basic economic questions related to process of making a product
  5. 7. market structure with many sellers & slightly different products
  6. 12. type of economic system combining features of command & market
  7. 14. actions carried out by the President & Congress to contract or expand the economy
  8. 17. market structure with many sellers & identical product
  9. 18. states that consumers will purchase less products as prices increase
  10. 20. 1 of 3 basic economic questions related to where the product ends up
  11. 21. role of money that simplifies purchases
  12. 22. focusing on producing only on a few things
  13. 23. type of business organization with 2 or more owners
  14. 25. graph of GDP over time
  15. 26. cost of borrowing money
  16. 28. market structure with one large company controlling the market
  17. 30. type of economic system controlled by government, aka centrally planned