Economics Vocab 1

  1. 7. all the money, goods, services exchanged in a local area
  2. 9. something that encourages someone to do something
  3. 10. work/ the physical and mental talents people contribute
  4. 13. the next best thing you could have been doing
  5. 16. economic system where private ownership is allowed
  6. 17. produced goods used to produce additional things
  7. 20. something that satisfies a person's wants or brings satisfaction
  8. 22. giving something to get something
  9. 24. branch of economics that relates to entire economy
  10. 25. something you can touch
  11. 28. special talent some people have for business
  1. 1. tasks that people pay others to perform for them
  2. 2. to distribute, give out
  3. 3. something you cannot touch
  4. 4. branch of economics that relates to small units
  5. 5. anything used to produce goods or services
  6. 6. additional, another one
  7. 8. study of the choices people make when faced with scarcity
  8. 11. all the natural resources found in nature
  9. 12. all the money, goods, services exchanged in the US
  10. 14. money used to get something
  11. 15. a thing we desire to have
  12. 18. money earned, salary
  13. 19. a cost that has already happened and you can't recoup
  14. 21. the quality of bringing satisfaction, happiness
  15. 23. an agreement between people to do something
  16. 26. economic system where individuals own most things.
  17. 27. not enough of something, rare