
  1. 3. goods that leave a country as part of trade
  2. 4. Resources activities of people who decide what kind of economic activities to pursue
  3. 6. Country a country with an established economy generally containing all 4 forms of production
  4. 7. exchange of something of value
  5. 8. actions that are capable of satisfying peoples wants
  6. 9. a person who buys and uses goods and services
  7. 10. a person who grows agricultural products or manufactures items
  8. 12. the purchase or use of goods and services
  9. 14. Trade countries relying on one another to satisfy wants and needs 20/ Import goods brought into a country as part of trade
  10. 16. interaction of buyers and sellers exchanging goods and services
  11. 17. quantities of goods ans services produced
  12. 18. Resources something found in nature
  13. 19. the quantities or productive resources
  1. 1. objects that are capable of satisfying peoples wants
  2. 2. the quantities of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy
  3. 5. the act of combining natural resources ,human resources capital goods & entrepreneurship to make goods & services
  4. 6. Country a country whose economy is still being built
  5. 9. Resources resources made by humans such as building tools and machinery
  6. 11. concentration of production on fewer kinds of goods & services
  7. 13. lack of sufficient resources to produce all the goods and services people desire
  8. 15. the quantities of a good or service that producers are willing and able to provide at various prices during a given time period